..tis what brains are for!
Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.
--- W. Edwards Deming (1900 - 1993)
I have met in life multitudes of people and have seen/heard even more via other mediums than direct human contact, and in general I feel there are a scary amount of people all over the world who seldom delve deeply enough into their own brains to sort out the information their external world has placed before them, and this - pisses me off, especially when they foister these resulting misinformed thoughts onto the kids who will be our future. I bow down to the thinkers in this world, the ones who glean information from all manner of places and then digest them, resulting in a fair and well thought out analysis.
But those who ignore this superb gift we have been given and take things we are shown without thought are as I see it fools.
Now this is all fine and dandy when the fools are out of harm's way walking their dogs but when one of these fools becomes a leader in a position of power albeit religious or political - it scares me to bits, worse then the Evil Dead/Exorcist ever did.
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
--- Bill Watterson (1958 - ), cartoonist, "Calvin and Hobbes"
Oh where to start - religion, let's go for it: